Are You Interest In Being A Vascular Surgery?

Here are some requirements for how to be a vascular surgeon 
Participant Requirements

Requirements for prospective participants:
  1. Indonesian citizens
  2. General Surgeon of IKABI member
  3. Interested in the field of vascular surgery and have a strong sense of friendship in colleagues who explore the same field.
  4. Good behavior, ethics and morals
  5. Recommendation letters, suggested by PESBEVI members, regarding character, interests, and work experience.

Registration and Admission Procedures

  1. Prospective participants must make an “Application Letter Following Education” on the stamped paper addressed to the Chairperson of the Subspecialty Education Program for Vascular Consultant Surgery addressed to KPS PPDS Sp II Vascular Surgery FKUI / RSCM Public Wing Building A Floor III. Jl. Diponegoro No.71 Central Jakarta, the application is made in 4 duplicates with addressed to:
    Chairman of the Vascular Surgery Training Programme. The application letter is completed with:- Photocopy of legalized surgical specialist diploma- Curriculum Vitae- Photocopy of Registration Certificate- 4-sheets 3×4 photo
  2. Prospective participants must attend interview selection related to character, interests and work experience followed by a written selection of knowledge of a general surgeon in the field of vascular surgery
  3. The results of written interviews and selection as well as written advice from INASVS/PESBEVI will be discussed at a staff meeting led by the Chairman of the Vascular Surgery Training Programme to make a decision whether the prospective participant can be accepted or not.
  4. The results of the decision of the meeting will be sent to the sending institution, the Dean of FKUI and a copy sent to INASVS/PESBEVI. The participants will be notified by the secretariat


Student financing follows the provisions that apply in FKUI.

Acceptance Schedule

Student admission is conducted twice a year, in January and July.

Length of Education

Education will last for 4 semesters with programs that can be seen in the Education Catalog book.


Participants who have completed education will get additional competencies in the field of vascular and endovascular surgery and will get additional Vascular Surgeon Consultant abbreviated as SpB (K)V

Participants will get a competency certificate signed by the Chairman of the Indonesian Surgical College and Chairman of the Vascular and Endovascular Sciences Collegium.